Coach Fred

Unlock your full potential and thrive with Be More Coaching – a holistic coaching service for neurodiverse teenagers and young adults. Coach Fred, a licensed special education teacher and neurodiversity coach, empowers clients with evidence-based coaching techniques to achieve greater self-awareness and enhanced overall well-being. Our personalized one-on-one, group, and bundle coaching sessions are available in-person or online and are designed to help you navigate work environments, increase socialization, and build confidence. 

Our approach is rooted in cognitive behavior training, positive psychology, and neuroscience, providing tailored strategies based on your beliefs, values, and motivation. Our primary goal is to help you live your best life with confidence and vitality, unlocking your innate strengths and capabilities. Join Coach Fred on a transformative journey toward being more, doing more, and becoming more. Contact us today to learn more about our coaching services and how we can help you thrive. With Be More Coaching, the sky’s the limit!

My Profile

Introducing Coach Fred, an exceptional and compassionate professional with dual Master’s degrees in Special Education and Coaching. With a profound understanding of neurodiversity, Coach Fred specializes in empowering neurodiverse clients to realize their full potential and overcome challenges. His unique, evidence-based approach blends his extensive knowledge of special education with cutting-edge coaching techniques, providing personalized strategies tailored to each individual’s needs. Coach Fred is dedicated to helping clients achieve greater self-awareness, improved daily functioning, and enhanced overall well-being. Join Coach Fred on a transformative journey toward unlocking the innate strengths and capabilities of neurodiverse individuals, building a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Fred’s Resume

Mission statement

You don’t know how powerful you truly are. All you need to feel well is already in you. Be More Coaching is about reclaiming and restoring our healing potential and capacity to thrive. BMC is rooted in the idea that we can change our bodies and brains to continually improve, adapt and grow over a lifetime. Be more coaching embodies the uniqueness of the individual as an interconnected whole, dynamic species longing to be happy, healthy and strong

My philosophy

Our innate wisdom, or inner genius, has developed over millions of years of evolution, shaping our species' natural blueprint for optimal health and well-being. Historically, humans have thrived when living in harmony with nature, consuming pure foods, engaging in face-to-face communication, and maintaining an active lifestyle. However, over the past 50 years, a dramatic shift occurred as we transitioned into a "hyper-civilized" society, akin to a modern-day zoo.

In this new era, individuals have become mere barcodes in a material world driven by consumption. We now spend significant amounts of time indoors under artificial lighting, breathing conditioned air, and being exposed to various chemicals and pollutants. Highly processed foods have become the norm, and sedentary lifestyles hunched over screens are increasingly common. For the sake of convenience and comfort, we have outsourced and commoditized nearly every aspect of our lives, including our health.

Today's society is characterized by distraction, instant gratification, and superficial interactions, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and chronic diseases. Conventional pharmaceuticals often merely suppress symptoms, accompanied by a host of negative side effects.

BMC is not about making grandiose promises, but rather about fostering continuous improvement, adaptation, and growth over a lifetime. Our goal is to help you achieve better living by consciously activating your higher self, switching on biological pathways for healing and thriving. We aim to help you tap into your true purpose and innate abilities for creativity and resourcefulness, empowering you to live the best life possible.

Origin Story

I’ve been coaching and teaching almost my entire adult life. While I was not an ideal student in the traditional setting of school, I loved learning and questioning the status quo even to this day. That is why I went into teaching special education for two decades to share my love of learning that was driven by my curiosity. Moreover, I wanted to impart meaningful information in a dynamic way that provided students a spark of light who were otherwise disengaged from school. Although most importantly teaching, I soon realized, was largely about forging relationships. It was during my early days of teaching that I saw the value of social emotional learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

As a special education teacher, one of my roles was to fashion and modify lessons that were tailored to meet the wide range of needs my students possessed. I quickly had to learn how to research and dig deeply on a variety of unfamiliar subjects that reverberated truth and high interest to my students and I. Soon after exploring many topics in both science and history, I became fascinated particularly with ancestral living and science. I knew from then on what topics affected me deeply that I wanted to teach more of. What is our true nature? This led me down a rabbit hole of health and wellness that has continued to this day. I entertained the possibility of merging my love of teaching with wellness careers. That is, what if I brought my desire to dig deep across different topics, teaching and coaching individuals on how to live their best life. It was then in 2017, a bittersweet decision, when I left teaching to pursue my passion in the wellness world. I have since integrated my skills and love for teaching to health & wellness Coach, consultant and researcher. I’ve spent years along with self experimentation (n=1) sorting through the many mixed “Get Healthy” messages in an effort to find a legitimate path, something that makes sense and has strong support. Along my journey as a seeker, I entered the world of biohacking. Biohacking is essentially the practice of influencing your chemistry and physiology through science and self experimentation. Skeptics may doubt that our immune and nervous system can be voluntarily influenced. Or, that we are capable of pressing the buttons and pulling the levers of our consciousness. They’re wrong. It may be as simple as practicing imagery rehearsal for an upcoming event and creating new neural pathways for enhanced performance. Elite athletes do it all the time as an integral part of their training. As a result of that effort, I have accumulated a catalog of information that I have questioned, checked against other views, tried and researched on my own to be most in line with living the good life. While I am not a guru in any one subject, I liken myself to a guide in servicing those who want to experience a new and improved life of vitality and purpose. Currently I am continuing my love of learning as a student in school for my Master’s degree in Health & Wellness coaching at Maryland University of Integrated Health. I am slated to graduate in May, with a Master’s degree in health & wellness coaching. Alongside school, I continue working with clients on lifestyle changes that fit into their busy schedules.

Be More, Do More, Become More.
